TLC Conference has ended

We invite you to register now  (FREE) and share your expertise with other faculty and staff members at our Annual  Academic Technology Learning Conference.  Discover new ways to use technology in your classes and engage students.   (http://tlcconference2014.sched.org/ )

Prize Drawings:

1st keynote  Kindle FIRE HD eBook from Blackboard                              Guest Speaker HD webcam by Cisco

2nd keynote Executive Office Chair by Computer Comforts                Gift cards each session

Phyllis Griffard

Phyllis Griffard is a Lecturer in Biology in the Department of Natural Sciences. She teaches freshman lecture and lab courses including the research-based “phage-hunter” labs. Phyllis’ research has addressed how students develop representational competence and how research exposure impacts learning and STEM identity.

My Speakers Sessions

Wednesday, April 2

2:05pm CDT